Monday, 27 February 2012

Finishes and fireplaces

The external finishing of the new branch continues at a brisk pace! Every time I drive by, I can see more cladding and masonry completed.  In January, many people expressed to me their concerns that the building was not going to be finished on time by spring (despite my reassurances), but as the outside looks more and more finished, I'm now hearing excitement from nearly everyone I meet!

Here are a few recent photos taken from inside the building:
The fireplace in the children's department 

The fireplace in the New & Popular area, just inside the front door.  The two fireplaces are almost back-to-back, but function independently.

 The second floor, looking to the southeast.  Imagine shelving, seating, carpeting and suspended lighting in place in just over two months!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Mark your calendars!

It's official...the grand opening day for the new Vernon branch is Saturday, May 5th!  We're planning a ribbon cutting, refreshments, entertainment, and lots of fun for the Greater Vernon community, who have waited SO long for this day.  More information will come, as plans are firmed up.

Many of you will have seen the front-page article in the Feb. 19 edition of the Morning Star, announcing the opening date.  To clarify a comment by ORL's director about the lack of growth of collections in the new branch, our customers will indeed see an increase in some collections…magazines and newspapers for example. However, because the branch is part of a regional system with a floating collection, added titles in many other collections would be requested (through the online catalogue) by customers in other branches before even reaching Vernon's shelves!

This building is designed to accommodate both immediate and gradual growth of collections, and will feature much more space for our customers to not only browse and check out materials, but also to gather, read, work, access the Internet, or just sit and contemplate the view! 

Speaking of views, I'm hoping temporary difficulties in uploading photos will be resolved soon, and I'll have much more to share!

Eleven weeks and counting...yikes!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Coming along....

I'm happy to be back on track after this lengthy absence!  Look for regular posts from now on until the new library opens later this spring.  Dates for closing the current branch for the big move and the grand opening of the new one are being finalized, and will be announced soon.

I was finally able to get back on the new site last week, and I can report that the interior is quickly taking shape.  The walls are up, most of the windows have been installed, and the ductwork and electrical wiring are nearing completion. Not exactly pretty yet, but all part of the big picture! 

The long tube that carries warm air from the outside generator into the building - a necessity during winter construction.

The windows on the east side of the multi-purpose room.  Blinds will be installed for privacy and light control.

On the second floor now, looking up to the ceiling, where the underside of the roof decking is being painted a beige colour, in contrast to the un-painted silver.

The computer lab - it's hard to appreciate the size of this space, but the natural light from the windows (facing east) will be nice. Blinds will reduce glare on the computer monitor screens.

The hanging wires for the suspended lighting system make quite an artistic image, I think!

  In preparation for the exterior finishes, the coverings and tarps make the building look particularly colourful!