Friday 20 July 2012

Okanagan Life magazine article

Just before the move into the new library building, the Vernon branch reference supervisor and I had the opportunity to speak with Patti Shales Lefkos about the current digital revolution in libraries.  Patti was compiling information for an upcoming article in Okanagan Life magazine, and was particularly interested in the role of ebooks and ereaders, and how libraries are responding to consumer demand for this new technology.  The new library and its technology-related features were also discussed, and I was pleased to outline how flexibility for the future was a key component throughout the planning process.

Last spring when the Vernon branch offered one-on-one orientation sessions to ebooks and ereaders, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Patti signed up for one of these sessions, and her experience is described in the article. As an aside, we're planning to offer these sessions again later this year.

You can read this entire article, complete with photos, in the June issue of Okanagan Life.  The text of the article only is available by clicking on the link below.

Monday 16 July 2012

Ten-weeks update

It's been 10 weeks since we opened our doors to the greater Vernon community, and on one hand, that day seems like yesterday - on the other, when I see how well our users have settled in, it seems like we've been here for years!

Library regulars have found their favorite spots to read, study or work.  Some people like to enjoy a view, others prefer a solitary study carrel, with the absence of distraction.  The great thing is that everyone has a choice!

At this point, the temperature in the library is comfortable for the most part (although the air conditioning is great, we LOVE the two-storey automatic blind to shield the western sun in the afternoon; we especially love the automatic part!), but there are still some areas in the building that are not complete yet - signage and lighting in particular. All in good time....

Summer visitors are checking out the new building, residents are stocking up on reading materials to take to the beach or campground, and the annual Summer Reading Club for children in full swing now.  Your library is a busy place but we've got lots of room, so if you're looking for a (literally) cool place to spend some time this summer, our doors are wide open.  The Vernon branch's open hours are Mon-Fri-Sat 10 - 5:30; Tues-Wed-Thurs 10 - 9.  See you soon!

Friday 25 May 2012

Opening day and finishing touches

Opening day for the library on May 5th saw nearly 2000 people come through the front doors, and the opportunity for picture-taking was almost impossible.  I did, however, have a moment to welcome former Vernon branch head librarian Wendy Stevens, and thank her for all her hard work in previous years in getting this new branch built.  Here's a quick shot of the two of us on opening day:

We're still dealing with many issues during this settling in process, but, like a new home, it's the finishing touches that make a space feel truly welcoming.  The little garden outside the second floor south windows has been planted this week, and will provide a restful view during all seasons:

The Vernon Friends of the Library are supplying the indoor plants for the library, and the first of those arrived today.  The plants have been carefully selected for durability, and have been placed according to their light needs.  Here's just one example - this sunny corner instantly becomes even more appealing!

Artwork from the Vernon Art Gallery's permanent collection is coming soon to make your library even more lovely.  Stay tuned!

Thursday 17 May 2012

We're in!

At the end of a long and winding road, the new library for the Greater Vernon community is finally open!  The feedback the staff is receiving is overwhelmingly positive, and while there are a few things that are still being completed (HVAC, lighting, signage are some examples), we're feeling more settled every day.  If you haven't had a chance to drop by your beautiful new library, here are a few photos to provide a glimpse of the interior:

New & Popular area (movies, Quick Reads, some magazines, new books)

Reading area for families in the children's department

Popular chairs in the teen area, just under the main stairs

Some of the public computer stations on the second floor

The magazine and newspaper reading area

Some of the 140 new magazine and newspaper titles - something for everyone!

A view across the opening toward the paperback spinners

A preview of the new branch appeared on the front page of The Morning Star newspaper on May 4th.  If you happened to miss it, you can read the edition online at and clicking on the top banner (current and past eEditions), then selecting past editions for May.

Thursday 8 March 2012

It fits!

When planning this new library, we of course measured carefully to make sure shelving and furniture fit, but the most important measurement was the loading bay where the ORL van will drop off hundreds of items from other branches nearly every day.  Today was the you can see below, we measured correctly - whew!

Monday 27 February 2012

Finishes and fireplaces

The external finishing of the new branch continues at a brisk pace! Every time I drive by, I can see more cladding and masonry completed.  In January, many people expressed to me their concerns that the building was not going to be finished on time by spring (despite my reassurances), but as the outside looks more and more finished, I'm now hearing excitement from nearly everyone I meet!

Here are a few recent photos taken from inside the building:
The fireplace in the children's department 

The fireplace in the New & Popular area, just inside the front door.  The two fireplaces are almost back-to-back, but function independently.

 The second floor, looking to the southeast.  Imagine shelving, seating, carpeting and suspended lighting in place in just over two months!

Monday 20 February 2012

Mark your calendars!

It's official...the grand opening day for the new Vernon branch is Saturday, May 5th!  We're planning a ribbon cutting, refreshments, entertainment, and lots of fun for the Greater Vernon community, who have waited SO long for this day.  More information will come, as plans are firmed up.

Many of you will have seen the front-page article in the Feb. 19 edition of the Morning Star, announcing the opening date.  To clarify a comment by ORL's director about the lack of growth of collections in the new branch, our customers will indeed see an increase in some collections…magazines and newspapers for example. However, because the branch is part of a regional system with a floating collection, added titles in many other collections would be requested (through the online catalogue) by customers in other branches before even reaching Vernon's shelves!

This building is designed to accommodate both immediate and gradual growth of collections, and will feature much more space for our customers to not only browse and check out materials, but also to gather, read, work, access the Internet, or just sit and contemplate the view! 

Speaking of views, I'm hoping temporary difficulties in uploading photos will be resolved soon, and I'll have much more to share!

Eleven weeks and counting...yikes!